

Welcome to Pack 23!

Please join us at Central Presbyterian Church, "The Round Church", in Downingtown for our monthly Pack meeting on the last Tuesday of the month. Den meetings are held the first and third Thursday of the month. Contact us to find out how to register your Kindergarten through 5th grader with Pack 23!

Pack 23 July Updates

Posted by BellamyScott on Jul 22 2024 - 1:00pm

Happy Summer!

Annual Dues - Reminders are starting to come out from National based on when your Scout registered last year. Please hold off on paying them until the Pack Committee can formalize the payment structure based on some recent changes - we will do this at camp this week. Additional communications will be forthcoming very soon. 

July Events

  • Summer Camp (for those registered)
    • Webelos & AOLs: July 24 - 28
    • Lions, Tigers, Bears & Wolves: July 25 - 28
    • Packing List

August Events

  • August 5th - 9th: Cub Scout Day Camp
  • August 8th: St. Anthony's Swim Night: 5:30 PM.  While there are lifeguards, we are expected to supervise our group. Feel free to bring a picnic dinner if you'd like.
  • Popcorn Sales will commence!

June Cub Scout Update

Posted by BellamyScott on Jun 22 2024 - 7:47pm

Pack 23 wishes all of the Scouts & Families the best for the Summer of '24.

June Events

  • June 25: Summer Camp Planning @ 6 PM at CPC.
    • Scout & Parents attending camp are invited.
    • NO uniforms required.
    • Please bring Medical Forms A-B-C for all of those attending.

 July Events

  • Summer Camp (for those registered)
    • Webelos & AOLs: July 24 - 28
    • Lions, Tigers, Bears & Wolves: July 25 - 28

August Events

  • August 5th - 9th: Cub Scout Day Camp
  • August 8th: (Tentative) St. Anthony's Swim Night: 5:30 PM.  Families are welcome. While there are lifeguards, we are expected to supervise our group.  

Pack 23 Cub June Events

Posted by BellamyScott on May 27 2024 - 2:59pm

June Events

  • June 2: Move Up Picnic at Hibernia! Please Sign up so we have an accurate count. Registration closes on Thursday, May 30th!
    • We are going to go Eco-Friendly!  We are asking everyone to bring their own Mess Kit. Please have a plate, bowl & silverware. You do NOT need to purchase an official mess kit. Plastic items / utensils that you already have for picnics is all that you need (or even items from the dollar store). We will have water to rinse your items, but asking everyone to return home for cleaning.
    • Hamburgers, Hotdogs and Rolls will be provided.
    • Please review the available Sign Up Genius and click on the button to sign up. Thank you!
  • June 10: Crayfish Corps Volunteering. There are few spots still open to volunteer for a few hours at Valley Forge Park.
  • June 25: Summer Camp Q&A @ 6 PM at CPC


May and June Events

Posted by BellamyScott on May 12 2024 - 1:58pm

May Events

June Event


Pack Mtg and Camping!

Posted by BellamyScott on Apr 21 2024 - 9:47am

Hot Takes! 

April Events

May Events

  • Date TBD: Monday or Tuesday Evening - ALL Den Leader Training on updated curriculum. 
  • May 2: Den Mtgs at CPC @ 6:30 PM
  • May 16: Den Mtgs at CPC @ 6:30 PM

June Event


Upcoming Pack 23 Events

Posted by BellamyScott on Apr 14 2024 - 8:37pm

Cub Specials! 

April Events

May Events

  • Date TBD: Monday or Tuesday Evening - ALL Den Leader Training on updated curriculum. 

Summer Camp Registration is open!

  • Webelos and AOLs: July 24th - July 28th. Cost - $460 per scout.  
  • Wolves, Tigers & Lions: July 25th - July 28th. Cost - $435 per scout. 
  • Adults: $130 (or $80 if you were rechartered with Pack 23 as of 1/1/24). All adults will need to be registered Scouters with all required background checks & youth protection.
  • Please submit your Summer Camp Registration on the Pack website as soon as possible with Council requesting details of attendance early

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Upcoming Events